Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is Harry Potter evil? Essay

The answer to this most controversial book and movie series is a no. Harry Potter books were all about the fight between evil and good. It did a lot of wonders and spectacular creativity on ways of entertaining a child’s imagination by magic tricks and spells. Just like when we hire magicians and entertainers on kiddies birthday parties. Today’s technology after all is about yesterday’s magic like Merlin and science fiction semi horror stories of the Underworld. The fight for censorship deals with everything about the concept of witchcraft, violence, satanism and deception. Matrix prove to be violent also and deceptive of the real world. True to its word, the only perceived danger is fantasy. Kids are kids and they fantasize often. Observe how they conduct their games and play at home. One can see that they are all pure fantasies. Can we not give them the freedom to exercise what is appropriate to their age without banning books because of the claim of distorting fantasy from reality? Even mere comic books of super heroes and Xmen were created out of fantasy. Shall we ban them then because of scientific fantasy of Xmen mutation? (Bloom 1999). Parents of course have every right to participate in any group and in any legal way to promote the welfare and education of their kids. And yes, they can definitely take a fight to banning books in relation to this protection concept. Both schools and parents shall have a face-to-face discussion with the topic on hand. No one shall dictate the other. It shall all be based on reason and the practicality of the subject being fought upon. Taking on a kid’s story too seriously could be hazardous to society. Witches, wizards, sorcery, and spells have long been in the category of children’s literature. The use of magic potions and spells has long been engaged in the story of Alice in the Wonderland and Snow White. The only difference is that Harry Potter movies seem to be the rage at present costing us more to buying books and DVD’s for our kids. The creativity is just exemplary. The sounds and the way they do their magic are just fantastic. It is never a sin to admire creativity nor is it a sin to express appreciation. There was never a quantitative study of the effects of Harry Potter’s movies and books on children. There was never a quantitative measure of negative implications on behavior by those who admire the cultural phenomenon chronology of manipulation of evil and its consequence. Talking about voices and banning, then parents do promote the culture of criticizing exploring fantasies and curbing creativity in movie productions and children’s skills to emulate their feelings to good stories. After all, shaping of a child’s behavior is seen to stem from his family context and environment. That means more on dealing with people attitudes and witnessing to assessing what parents teach and not from entertainment and media except for the very delicate condition of being mentally impaired. Parental guidance is the primordial concern of culture development and values teaching. Kids do know they are just plain movies not to be taken seriously. References Bloom, J. (1999, October 22). Is Harry Potter evil? New York Times. p. Op-Ed.

Assessment of the Essay of “the Fourth World War Has Begun

Globalization is a process that integrates all the nations around the world, by the unification of global economy with the worldwide exchange of products and services (David, 2002). With that unification, the other matters, such as politics, technology, capital, labor force and culture, all have to undergo a international interaction and fusion. The rapid developments of information and telecommunication technology in recent years, as well as the construction of infrastructure like transportation, have promoted and accelerated the globalization process by connecting people more closely and compressing the time and space for communication.As a result, the nations are becoming more closely interdependent in today’s world. The four basic aspects of globalization identified by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 2000 includes: the trade and transactions cross borders, capital flow and investment, international migration of people and spread of knowledge. Globalization is a ra ther controvertial topic and the supporters and opponents are both numerous. The essay of â€Å"The Fourth World War Has Begun† by Marcos focuses on the negative sides of globalization on a global perspective.First, the greedy and warlike logic of contemporary capitalism and markets, which has prospered since the end of the Cold War, is described. A comprehension of globalization as â€Å"world war† has been provided, and this war is fought between the candidates of ruling power of world economy, and the victims are the poor and the humanity, as well as the independence of states and national culture. What the war seeks is a redistribution of the world, and in the process more serious inequality has been caused.The national states have been subordinated to the logic of transnational financial power and commercial free trade, and are reduced to play the sole role of securing markets. Then a fragmented world caused by globalization, which intends on the unification, is d escried. And the tattered picture contains seven pieces that could not be combined together. The seven pieces are: inequality and poverty, globalization of exploitation, migration of people, the globalization of crime and state power, legitimate violence, the emergence of mega-politics, and the various forms of resistance. In the end of the essay, a fable is presented.The perspectives of Marcos will be assessed in the following respects. 1. Is globalization essentially evil? The interactions between people and states are necessary and inevitable with the progress of human society. It is recognized that the trade benefits all participants in the respect of absolute advantage and comparative advantage of goods production by different entities. The globalization has achieved this goal as the worldwide trade is realized in a single major market joined by the whole world. In that unified economic world produced by neoliberalism, the commodities not the people circulate freely.But the pro blem is the problem of justice for the current pattern of unification. Marcos has declared in the essay that the globalization has caused a fragmented world rather than a wholesome one, as certain groups of people who are no use to the new economy, like the indigenous, have been excluded, and it is the purpose of the ZNLA (Zapatista National Liberation Army) to maintain the unification of the Mexico country rather than split. It is declared that the threatening factors to the indigenous include the exploitation of the natural resources, environment pollution and so on.The fragmentation and inequality problem caused by the globalization are the results of the neo-liberal logic. The principles of free competition and maximization of individual profits classify people in the categories of â€Å"winner† and â€Å"loser† (Angelis, 2005). Those who are not adapted to the system are rejected as â€Å"losers†. As the economy framework is fundamentally designed based on the western ideas and criteria, the extension of it to other parts of the world would surely encounter resists and inadaptations.Under the claim of globalization, the transnational enterprises pursue the maximization of profits by the organization of primary materials, labor force, capital, technology, production process and consuming market on a worldwide scale. All the nations and regions that are serviceable to the process are reshaped and included in the major market. In the reorganization process, the resistant factors of people, culture, internal industry and market, as well as political system, have to be wiped out.The unification of the world may be the trend for the future, but it could not be done in a mode which is dominated by a sole culture, that of the western world. The diversification of the nations and regions have to be respected, considered and integrated in the system harmoniously. 2. Is globalization bad for the poor? In the essay, Marcos argues that globalizati on has exacerbated the problem of inequality and poverty. It is stated that the wealth have been accumulated for the few and the poverty for the majority of people. And more poverty is produced by with the progress of the major transnational companies.Whether the globalization has worsened the inequality problem is rather controversial. Lindert & Williamson (2003) argued that the globalization of products and factor markets probably has alleviated the rapid rise of income inequality between countries that are integrated into the global economy. It is found that the income distributions are converged in countries which are integrated more fully in the global economy, and the distributions are diverged between the active participants and the countries that remain isolated from the global economy.And among the participants in the global market, the effects are different regarding to the development stage of the country: the highly advanced, the regions of new settlement and the rest. A nd for the income inequality within nations, the effect globalization has gone both ways. For example, it is indicated that the market-oriented trade liberalization and globalization in Brazil, i. e. , the Mercosur trade reform, has a redistributing and pro-poor effect. It has been shown that the consumption good prices decreased after entering the Mercosur.Decreased poverty has been found after national trade liberalization but no significant inequality effects have been obtained (Borraz et al, 2012). It is found that both the inequality and poverty decreased with rising export exposure but the poverty increased with import penetration (Castilho, 2012). 3. The unemployment caused by the globalization It is argued in the essay the economic growth of companies has produced unemployment, poverty and precariousness of the workers by the reorganization of the economy process, namely, the production, circulation and consumption of goods.With that rearrangement is the reorganization of wo rk force and destruction of small and medium companies, which causes an excess of workforce that is disposable and precarious treatments for them. Inevitably, the migration for work becomes a nightmare for those without a job. It is indicated that the jobless growth has been made in the recent decades by the globalization of labor market, as the structure of economy has undergone a great change, which is indicated in the essay, as the workforce for agriculture has shrunk, and the service tertiary industry has greatly expanded.So the traditional jobs are reduced while new kinds of jobs have been created in the process, but they are not made for the indigenous people due to the cultural and educational factors. The unemployment indicated by Marcos is categorized as the structural unemployment, which is caused by the restructuring of the global economy and the emergence of global labor market due to the technology revolution (Overbeek, 2003).The globalization is characterized as a stag e of intensified commoditization in the global economy, where the globalization of labor markets is manifested. It is argued by Overbeek (2003) that this structural transformation is accompanied by the emergence of global neo-liberalism, as ideological orientation is permeated by the hegemonic concept of control. The competitiveness has become a key imperative and caused a massive shedding for the labor force, especially in the time of recession and economy crisis.The labor market reforms carried out in the 1990s were seen as one of the spear points of capitalist restructuring, not only by national governments and by international organizations, but also by business pressure groups. And in this process, unemployment has been defined as a trouble of individual employability and personal ability, rather than a result of the economy cycle. The recent global economy slowdown may produce a reduction of employment, and a re-alignment of labor force may be issued, which would produce a red istributive labor. 4. The role of the government in the globalization processMarcos declares that with down fall the national market, the material base of the state are dissipated by the power of free commercial markets, and the governments have been reduced to the economy managers and are commanded or teleconmmanded by the mega-enterprises, and the rights and interests of the citizens could not be protected. Not only the material bases of the states are destroyed, but also the history and culture of nations. This may be not true for all the countries that participate in global economy, as the national sovereign rights are not devoured in that degree.However, it is authentic that government policies are influenced by the major transnational commercial powers. There are various evidences for this argument. Rogowsk (2005) has studied the restraining of governmental policy by the capital mobility in the wave of globalization and neo-liberalism. With the progress of globalization, capit al flow faster and more easily between nations. In order to attract more investment, countries compete more actively and carry out capital-accommodating policies, while the local preferences or factor endowments are less regarded.It is controvertial whether the developing countries would benefit from the globaliziaiton when speculating the problem from different perspectives. Lindert & Williamson (2003) indicates that the countries that benefit most from the globalization are the developing countries that have adjusted their polices to make use of it, while those have not done that achieved the least. Besides the difference of effect on participants and non-participants, the impacts of different sources of globalization are also different. The influence of globalization on national economy depends on the position of the state in the global economy chain.The countries that merely provide natural and human resources are at the least significant end of the economy chain, while the deve loped countries with advantages in technology, capital and market enjoy most of the gains of the economy globaliziation. Without the development of national industry, the conditions of state could not be improved fundamentally and the growth is unsustainable. However, if the transformation and promotion of the national enterprises could be achieved in the globalization process, the country becomes a real beneficiary. The expeience of China is a good example of benefiting from globalization.While the Afircan and Ltain American countries undergo a slower progress and the economy mode has not been changed at root. The essential reason is the political independence of the state government. If the government fell to be the managers for the major transnational economy as stated in the essay, the state could not achieve a substantial development and industry transformation. And the independent government could also protect the history and culture of the state in the wave of globalization, ensuring the independence and integrity of the culture and achieving an advancement by the interaction with foreign cultures.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage is an issue that arises concerns with a lot of people. Some agree, some disagree, and some Just really don't care. I fall under two categories. I disagree, but I really don't care. The reasons being are I stick with God's words. He made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Eve and Ava. God also said Judge not for you'll be Judged. I'm not perfect or anywhere near it, so I definitely don't want to be judged. I was going to write on child hunger, but since I have to deal with this in my life now I decided to provide a written document about this subject.One of my family members is involved in a same sex relationship for the past three years. Although I don't agree I still have love for them. Just recently, theyVe decided that they want to be married. That arises and issue with me because although I don't Judge them; I definitely won't be apart of the wedding and celebration. I couldn't see myself condoning a marriage with the vows of God for a couple of the same sex. I do have standards and I do know how to take a stand. I tried to broaden my thoughts and think about it for a moment, but it still wasn't working for me.So, I decided to do a little research and see what's really going on ith the same sex marriages. As I began to obtain information I was stunned about a lot of things. The facts I found out were surprising to me. I learned that the movement to open civil marriage to same-sex couples achieved its first temporary success in 1993 with the decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court that the restriction of marriage to opposite- sex couples would be presumed unconstitutional unless the state could demonstrate that it furthered a compelling state interest.In response to this decision the state constitution was amended to allow the legislature to preserve that restriction. A similar court decision in Alaska in 1998 led to an even stronger constitutional amendment, itself defining marriage as between one man and one woman. In further reaction to the Hawaii case, the federal Defense of Marriage Act 1996 provided that no state would be required to recognize a same-sex marriage from another state, and also defined marriage for federal-law purposes as opposite-sex. The majority of the states also passed their own â€Å"marriage protection acts. In November 2004, eleven more U. S. states amended their constitutions to prohibit same-sex marriage. In Vermont, after that state's Supreme Court held in 1999 that the state must extend to same- sex couples the same benefits that married couples receive, the legislature in 2000 created the status of â€Å"civil union† to fulfill that mandate. Connecticut adopted a similar civil union law in 2005. In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to open civil marriage to same- sex couples. Belgium became the second in 2003.In 2002 through 2004, courts in six Canadian provinces held that the opposite-sex definition of marriage was contrary to Canada's Charter of Rights, and in 2005 federal legislation extended same-sex arriage to all of Canada. Same-sex marriage was also legalized in Spain in 2005 , in South Africa in 2006, and in Norway effective in 2009. In November 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held that excluding same-sex couples from the benefits of civil marriage violated the state constitution, and in February 2004 2004 Massachusetts became the first state in the United States where same-sex marriage per se is legal.In October 2006, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that same-sex couples were entitled to the same rights and benefits enjoyed by opposite-sex couples under the ivil marriage statutes. The Legislature complied with that decision by enacting a civil union act in December 2006. In May 2008, California became the second state to legalize same-sex marriage when the California Supreme Court held that laws restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples were unconstitutional. Connecticut followed suit in October 2008. In California, the Supreme Court decision was apparently overturned by voter initiative in the November 2008 election. Paul Axel- Lute, â€Å"Same-Sex Marriage† (Rutgers-Newark Law Library, Pathfinder Series, Oct. 1996), http://www-rci. utgers. edu/†axellute/ssm. htm, lists articles, statutes, and cases through 1996. ) These things still did not convince me of anything and I decided I still needed more. I wanted to know why did these people of the same sex wanted to get married when it was causing so much controversy and most of the world don't with it. I Just couldn't understand so I went to the library and got a book by the author of William Eskeridge called, Gay Marriage, For Better or For Worse.That title really rocked me because that was the same thing that I was wondering. Is it for the better or for the worse. In his text he stated that the same-sex marriage debate to take account of the new argument against same-sex marriage, to wit: same-sex marriage in Scandinavia has destro yed the institution in those countries, and left children to be raised without married parents. That alone scares me because I was raised with two parents. (Eskridge, William N. , Gay Marriage: For Better or For Worse? What We've Learned from the Evidence. (Oxford Univ.Press, 2006) If marriage between gays becomes the law of the land, married gay couples will be afforded all the legal benefits that apply to heterosexual married couples, including pousal rights to Social Security, Medicare, private pensions, the right to file Joint tax returns, and the right to inherit each other's property. Many gays say it's about time. Others say that allowing gays to wed is wrong and will be harmful. When you ask about the good of marriage, we used to understand that the good of the thing was implied in its nature and its end.And marriage has to be connected and we'll have a chance to pursue this, but marriage has to be connected to that sense of sexuality imprinted in our natures, in the ineffac eable fact that we are born men or women. The purpose or meaning implicit in that sexuality is the notion of begetting, and for compelling reasons, we've found the prospect of begetting finding its most apt reflection in a framework of lawfulness that provides the ground on which parents are committed to the nurturance of their children for the same that they are committed to one another.When children are involved it makes it even more hectic. The children are being taught wrong and that I definitely don't agree with. The more I try to come to terms with this issue I Just can't seem to find enough of vidence that secures my thoughts and heart to condone this kind of thing. I know some people with disagree with me, but we agree to disagree. As time progresses I do indeed believe that eventually their will be more states and same sex laws that I entitled to my opinion.I Just pray for the children and their well-being. Although some only think of themselves they should take a stand bac k and think of their children. Children are our nest generation and raising them to think things are okay when theyre really wrong scares me to death. Let's Just hope that the kids will make better choices than others. Same sex marriage hasn't yet affected my life, but as time goes on I do think it will be a part of my life. Same Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage is a term used for a social or legally recognized marriage amid two people of the same gender. Freeman, M. D. A (1999). The most commonly term used in politics and media is Gay marriage. Some crusaders of the same-sex marriage use the name equal- marriage to emphasis that they are looking for equality and not special rights when it comes to marriage between people of the same sex. There are those people who argue that equating opposite-sex marriage and same-sex marriage will change the entire meaning of marriage and its general traditions (Hull, K. 2006). Moreover they often use the term Homosexual marriage which is regarded to be more stigmatizing than the term gay. There are those people who suggest that the term marriage should be reserved for civil, religious and legal contexts using a standardized concept of civil companionship. This kind of arrangement will reinforce the wall of division between the state and the church by putting a holly institution entirely to the church while placing secular organization under the control of the state. Some opponents and proponents of the same sex-marriage find suggestions of that sort to be unworkable. Whereas there are instances of some societies who recognize same-sex marriages, historical records shows a remarkable diversity of the treatment given to same-sex marriages which range from toleration and sympathy to indifferences and prohibition. Some organizations that are opposed to same-sex marriage often ague that same-sex unions are not marriages (Hull, K. 2006). They also argue that legalizing same-sex marriage will encourage legalization of polygamy and that legalizing same-sex marriage will deny children either a father or a mother while at the same time eroding religious freedoms. A research by American Anthropological Association states no proof has been found to show that people need to maintain marriage between people of the opposite sex and that same-sex marriage can make a greater contribution in stabilizing human societies. To add on, there are crusaders of the same-sex marriage who argue that governments should not play any part in regulating individual relationships. While there are those who insist that by allowing same-sex marriages the governments will be promoting collective benefits to same-sex partners. As stated by Sean Robert Cahill, Sean Cahill (2004) the debate surrounding same-sex marriage includes debate based on different social viewpoints and debate based upon religious convictions, health-related concerns, economic arguments and a variety of other different issues. We can say that the issue of same-sex marriage was meant to be ever since the creation of the universe and people should try and accept it as it is. We should also try and note that we are a people of one race and those we all hold female and male traits inside us, period. There are those people who are reverse-wired than other people and those who are androgynous. This is factual whether it is left-handedness or right-handedness or someone being right brained or left brained, et cetera. It is true that Love through understanding and tolerance is a most important factor to spiritual growth†¦. or else we stumble in fear-based thinking, selfishness and pure and absolute hate (prejudice) against our fellow women and men. Same Sex Marriage In Why Fear Same-Sex Marriages by William Raspberry, the author begins by presenting the side of Gary Bauer, who is against same-sex marriage. He agrees with Bauer that legalizing it will change 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching, however, the greater question is whether it â€Å"launches us on the path to perdition or merely heralds the shedding of another irrational prejudice† (Raspberry, 2001). Raspberry supports same sex marriage so long as these are directed towards forming monogamous and committed unions. It’s the Final Step in Killing Marriage by Maggie Gallagher points out that it’s not wrong to disagree with same-sex marriages. This is in defense of Rev. Fauntroy who is a civil-rights legend but is against same-sex marriages. The author highlights what the gay movement has done as â€Å"harassment tactics, demonizing those who disagree† (Gallagher, 2001). Gallagher ends the essay with a statement on how these ‘tactics’ have even reached her personal email. Committed Couples Would Stabilize Society by Andrew Sullivan supports same-sex marriages. Sullivan points out that based on research during the first six years when gay marriage was made legal, â€Å"the rate of straight marriages rose 10 percent, and the rate of straight divorces decreased by 12 percent† (Sullivan, 2001). Sullivan believes that these types of marriages will strengthen the bonds of heterosexual marriage since ‘marriage’ finally encompasses all citizens. Personally, I would agree that same-sex marriage should be legalized. But it should be kept in mind that marriage is holy, and that the couples should truly be committed to their union. This goes true for gay as well as heterosexual marriage. With the high divorce rates today, I believe this should be the greater concern for society. The focus should be on strengthening marriages, not preventing or discriminating people from entering into marriage. I agree that legalizing gay marriage would â€Å"heal the psychic wounds that scar so many gay people and their families† (Sullivan, 2001). Same Sex Marriage In Why Fear Same-Sex Marriages by William Raspberry, the author begins by presenting the side of Gary Bauer, who is against same-sex marriage. He agrees with Bauer that legalizing it will change 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching, however, the greater question is whether it â€Å"launches us on the path to perdition or merely heralds the shedding of another irrational prejudice† (Raspberry, 2001). Raspberry supports same sex marriage so long as these are directed towards forming monogamous and committed unions. It’s the Final Step in Killing Marriage by Maggie Gallagher points out that it’s not wrong to disagree with same-sex marriages. This is in defense of Rev. Fauntroy who is a civil-rights legend but is against same-sex marriages. The author highlights what the gay movement has done as â€Å"harassment tactics, demonizing those who disagree† (Gallagher, 2001). Gallagher ends the essay with a statement on how these ‘tactics’ have even reached her personal email. Committed Couples Would Stabilize Society by Andrew Sullivan supports same-sex marriages. Sullivan points out that based on research during the first six years when gay marriage was made legal, â€Å"the rate of straight marriages rose 10 percent, and the rate of straight divorces decreased by 12 percent† (Sullivan, 2001). Sullivan believes that these types of marriages will strengthen the bonds of heterosexual marriage since ‘marriage’ finally encompasses all citizens. Personally, I would agree that same-sex marriage should be legalized. But it should be kept in mind that marriage is holy, and that the couples should truly be committed to their union. This goes true for gay as well as heterosexual marriage. With the high divorce rates today, I believe this should be the greater concern for society. The focus should be on strengthening marriages, not preventing or discriminating people from entering into marriage. I agree that legalizing gay marriage would â€Å"heal the psychic wounds that scar so many gay people and their families† (Sullivan, 2001). Same Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage is a term used for a social or legally recognized marriage amid two people of the same gender. Freeman, M. D. A (1999). The most commonly term used in politics and media is Gay marriage. Some crusaders of the same-sex marriage use the name equal- marriage to emphasis that they are looking for equality and not special rights when it comes to marriage between people of the same sex. There are those people who argue that equating opposite-sex marriage and same-sex marriage will change the entire meaning of marriage and its general traditions (Hull, K. 2006). Moreover they often use the term Homosexual marriage which is regarded to be more stigmatizing than the term gay. There are those people who suggest that the term marriage should be reserved for civil, religious and legal contexts using a standardized concept of civil companionship. This kind of arrangement will reinforce the wall of division between the state and the church by putting a holly institution entirely to the church while placing secular organization under the control of the state. Some opponents and proponents of the same sex-marriage find suggestions of that sort to be unworkable. Whereas there are instances of some societies who recognize same-sex marriages, historical records shows a remarkable diversity of the treatment given to same-sex marriages which range from toleration and sympathy to indifferences and prohibition. Some organizations that are opposed to same-sex marriage often ague that same-sex unions are not marriages (Hull, K. 2006). They also argue that legalizing same-sex marriage will encourage legalization of polygamy and that legalizing same-sex marriage will deny children either a father or a mother while at the same time eroding religious freedoms. A research by American Anthropological Association states no proof has been found to show that people need to maintain marriage between people of the opposite sex and that same-sex marriage can make a greater contribution in stabilizing human societies. To add on, there are crusaders of the same-sex marriage who argue that governments should not play any part in regulating individual relationships. While there are those who insist that by allowing same-sex marriages the governments will be promoting collective benefits to same-sex partners. As stated by Sean Robert Cahill, Sean Cahill (2004) the debate surrounding same-sex marriage includes debate based on different social viewpoints and debate based upon religious convictions, health-related concerns, economic arguments and a variety of other different issues. We can say that the issue of same-sex marriage was meant to be ever since the creation of the universe and people should try and accept it as it is. We should also try and note that we are a people of one race and those we all hold female and male traits inside us, period. There are those people who are reverse-wired than other people and those who are androgynous. This is factual whether it is left-handedness or right-handedness or someone being right brained or left brained, et cetera. It is true that Love through understanding and tolerance is a most important factor to spiritual growth†¦. or else we stumble in fear-based thinking, selfishness and pure and absolute hate (prejudice) against our fellow women and men. Same Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage is a term used for a social or legally recognized marriage amid two people of the same gender. Freeman, M. D. A (1999). The most commonly term used in politics and media is Gay marriage. Some crusaders of the same-sex marriage use the name equal- marriage to emphasis that they are looking for equality and not special rights when it comes to marriage between people of the same sex. There are those people who argue that equating opposite-sex marriage and same-sex marriage will change the entire meaning of marriage and its general traditions (Hull, K. 2006). Moreover they often use the term Homosexual marriage which is regarded to be more stigmatizing than the term gay. There are those people who suggest that the term marriage should be reserved for civil, religious and legal contexts using a standardized concept of civil companionship. This kind of arrangement will reinforce the wall of division between the state and the church by putting a holly institution entirely to the church while placing secular organization under the control of the state. Some opponents and proponents of the same sex-marriage find suggestions of that sort to be unworkable. Whereas there are instances of some societies who recognize same-sex marriages, historical records shows a remarkable diversity of the treatment given to same-sex marriages which range from toleration and sympathy to indifferences and prohibition. Some organizations that are opposed to same-sex marriage often ague that same-sex unions are not marriages (Hull, K. 2006). They also argue that legalizing same-sex marriage will encourage legalization of polygamy and that legalizing same-sex marriage will deny children either a father or a mother while at the same time eroding religious freedoms. A research by American Anthropological Association states no proof has been found to show that people need to maintain marriage between people of the opposite sex and that same-sex marriage can make a greater contribution in stabilizing human societies. To add on, there are crusaders of the same-sex marriage who argue that governments should not play any part in regulating individual relationships. While there are those who insist that by allowing same-sex marriages the governments will be promoting collective benefits to same-sex partners. As stated by Sean Robert Cahill, Sean Cahill (2004) the debate surrounding same-sex marriage includes debate based on different social viewpoints and debate based upon religious convictions, health-related concerns, economic arguments and a variety of other different issues. We can say that the issue of same-sex marriage was meant to be ever since the creation of the universe and people should try and accept it as it is. We should also try and note that we are a people of one race and those we all hold female and male traits inside us, period. There are those people who are reverse-wired than other people and those who are androgynous. This is factual whether it is left-handedness or right-handedness or someone being right brained or left brained, et cetera. It is true that Love through understanding and tolerance is a most important factor to spiritual growth†¦. or else we stumble in fear-based thinking, selfishness and pure and absolute hate (prejudice) against our fellow women and men. Same Sex Marriage In Why Fear Same-Sex Marriages by William Raspberry, the author begins by presenting the side of Gary Bauer, who is against same-sex marriage. He agrees with Bauer that legalizing it will change 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching, however, the greater question is whether it â€Å"launches us on the path to perdition or merely heralds the shedding of another irrational prejudice† (Raspberry, 2001). Raspberry supports same sex marriage so long as these are directed towards forming monogamous and committed unions. It’s the Final Step in Killing Marriage by Maggie Gallagher points out that it’s not wrong to disagree with same-sex marriages. This is in defense of Rev. Fauntroy who is a civil-rights legend but is against same-sex marriages. The author highlights what the gay movement has done as â€Å"harassment tactics, demonizing those who disagree† (Gallagher, 2001). Gallagher ends the essay with a statement on how these ‘tactics’ have even reached her personal email. Committed Couples Would Stabilize Society by Andrew Sullivan supports same-sex marriages. Sullivan points out that based on research during the first six years when gay marriage was made legal, â€Å"the rate of straight marriages rose 10 percent, and the rate of straight divorces decreased by 12 percent† (Sullivan, 2001). Sullivan believes that these types of marriages will strengthen the bonds of heterosexual marriage since ‘marriage’ finally encompasses all citizens. Personally, I would agree that same-sex marriage should be legalized. But it should be kept in mind that marriage is holy, and that the couples should truly be committed to their union. This goes true for gay as well as heterosexual marriage. With the high divorce rates today, I believe this should be the greater concern for society. The focus should be on strengthening marriages, not preventing or discriminating people from entering into marriage. I agree that legalizing gay marriage would â€Å"heal the psychic wounds that scar so many gay people and their families† (Sullivan, 2001).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Perception Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Perception - Assignment Example In addition, we continue to modify our schemas as we experience new events or situations and learn from them, which enable our ideas and perceptions to evolve with time (Kesteren et al, 2012). Generally, schematic perceptions are based on events that we compare to other events, running the risk of oversimplifying events. Indeed, due to all the information that we take in, coupled with the need to simplify events and experiences, people tend to categorize events, which allows for immediate response based on established perceptions about these events (Kesteren et al, 2012). As a result, we do not need to perceive each football player whether from Spain, England, or Italy as unique categories, for example, instead identifying them as members of the football player category, which enables us to respond accordingly. Similarly, when one encounters other people, they tend to perceive them in terms of category, instead of unique individuals they have not encountered before, based on nationality, religion gender, or race. These categories are referred to as schemas and constitute cognitive or knowledge structures that organize incoming information, hence influencing how the individual perceives further information about events and people and responds to them (Kesteren et al,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is the reaffirmation of regional identities compatible with Essay

Is the reaffirmation of regional identities compatible with globalisation - Essay Example Globalisation is the latest buzzword that is most commonly expressed from the economic point of view, without really comprehending the full relevance of the word. Globalisation needs to be viewed from many sides to understand what it truly means as it is multi-dimensional. These dimensions of globalisation include a wide spectrum of factors namely development in communications, economics, work organization, ecology and last but not the least culture and civil society. It would be but natural to ask that globalisation as is commonly referred to has only economic considerations and the other factors are hardly experienced or subservient to the economic factor of globalisation and hence globalisation has only an economic substance. This is a misunderstanding of globalisation and places emphasis on the global market place and not on the many faceted dimension of globalisation. Barriers to trade have collapsed or are in the process of collapsing among all the nations of the world and that makes it possible to understand the concept of a global market. Extend this aspect to allow for the borders of the nations to become gradually irrelevant to the daily behaviour of the various other facets of globalisation namely information, technology, ecology, culture and civil society. In short globalisation implies that the artificial national boundaries gradually collapse to allow for the creation of a single social village, as would have happened, but for the erection of political boundaries as humankind evolved.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Changes in Political Economy of Development Essay

Changes in Political Economy of Development - Essay Example This essay stresses that in the 20th century there have been many scholars who have done extensive research on the different policies adopted. However, each researcher has been advocating for their own framework and it has been the responsibility of leaders to adopt the best for their countries. Since the dawn of communism and capitalism in the world where the two were seen to be at war with each other there have been massive changes in the systems all over the world. The conventional communism and capitalism have been overtaken by liberalism and eventually neo-liberalism. One can only ask if there are changes that will be seen in future with massive economic and political changes shaping the world. Capitalism is one of the oldest models that were used at the dawn of the 20th century and its failure was culminated by the great depression that hit the United States massively. This paper makes a conclusion that a huge gap still exists between the developed countries and the developing countries. Instituting similar paradigms and economic policies will not be helpful to the developing countries since they do not have similar levels of resources. There is a need to ensure independent a factor that should not be applied only at individual level. However, the world is braced for major transformations due to the changes in the political and economic arena and therefore leaders have a responsibility to get the best out of their economies. The changes have helped the world economy but there is more to be done to ensure the same is felt by individuals all over the world.

Friday, July 26, 2019

My aspirations and goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My aspirations and goals - Essay Example This will further help me reach my aspirations and goals. The experiences I have obtained in being part of a modified and varsity team member have given me the opportunity to be part of a team, learn what it is to be a team member, and excel in my leadership skills. Learning that you are not a one â€Å"shot† person has improved my style of playing as a team member and succeeding in games where at times we knew that we were going to face a challenge playing against another team. I am an appreciative person and I want to give my parents and the community a present. The present will be to wholeheartedly put my efforts as a high school and college student and be in a position where they will be proud of me. For my parents, it will be completing what I have formed my aspirations to be. For the community, it will be becoming an expert in my field and delivering sportsmanship requirements. I want to take the opportunity of traveling and be able to share customs, cultures, history, and traditions given the sports arena. I want to learn what other students are doing in their countries assuming leadership roles in sports. I want to be able to assume leadership roles in other countries and share my experiences in hockey. By sharing these experiences, we will be in a better position to find out what our similarities and differences may be, find out ways in which we are better able to help each other according to our needs, and work with national and international varsity teams. I want to work as a volunteer and continue to assume leadership roles, where I may be able to help other youngsters become involved in hockey activities and as a player. Sports is generally not an area where funding takes place. I am therefore, interested in a scholarship that will help me in my formative years to be able to reach my goals in a higher education institution as a student in __________

Family Business Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Family Business - Research Proposal Example But it is very normal for governance issues to arise in a family business every now and then because a family business, like all other non-family businesses, involve more or less the same issues like personalities, passions, power, deadlines, resources, supervisors and subordinates. Conflicts can be avoided and resolved if arise because of good governance strategies that govern not only the business but also the family that runs that business. Many large and medium sized family businesses are running in the Middle East today that contribute a great percentage of GDP to the region. But most businesses survive only until the third generation and very few pass on to the fourth generation because of generational conflicts and difference of opinions and perspectives between the elders and the youngsters of the coming generations. Hypothesis: Governance issues bring bad reputation to the organization and are the main cause of splitting up or failure of a business that was running smoothly and earning large profits before the dispute.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Innovation - Essay Example Pull marketing has some similarities with push marketing, but the major difference is that marketing is directed at decision makers or influencers who in turn would pull potential customers. Pull marketing consists of many strategies that aim at creating an interest and an awareness of the innovation as well as create a need for it. It involves thorough research of people’s interests and creating a relation with the innovation (Kelley, 2012). According to Kelley (2012), companies should invest in both push and pull innovation if they want to establish balanced and consistent profitability. However, most companies invest more in push innovation since it is easier and offers immediate effects. Companies should know that pull innovation helps grow the potential customer range expand in the long-run and, therefore, should seek to establish a balance in both methods. For instance, as stated by Kelley (2012), states that push marketing Innovation is ideal when there is a ready market for the product and the company just needs to highlight the benefits of the innovation. Push marketing occurs when an innovation is just an improvement of past innovations and there is already an awareness of the product. Also, push marketing is ideal when a company seeks to solidify the customer loyalty. Pull innovation is ideal when the innovator seeks to attract customers who are unaware or simply disinterested in the product. Also, pull innovation used to expand customer bases in the long run. Pull marketing of innovation is best when an innovation is most disruptive of the normal trends and solutions offered to problems. When an innovation is completely new in the market, the solution it offers is not obvious; therefore, awareness is needed first before introducing push innovation (Blan, 2009). Business innovation arises from many sources such as employees, business competitors, and reaction to an arising need, customers and even

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Coursework for information retrieval knowledge management course Essay

Coursework for information retrieval knowledge management course - Essay Example creation and management." The authors write, "†¦effective organizations need to grow not just as individuals but their own intellectual capital and property and their ability to deploy them effectively". Drucker (1998, p.9) in the Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management has suggested that, information-based organizations require clear, simple common objectives that translate into particular actions". In How Organizations Learn by Anthony DiBella and Edwin Nevis (1998, p.124), the authors suggest that "involved leadership" can be enhanced by benchmarking within the organization; providing coaches; leadership development activities; and conducting studies on processes. Searching, Gathering, aggregating, analysing and disseminating information from diverse internal and external information sources. Since all the required and relevant information cannot be gathered from a single source and is usually spread over a number of files and web locations therefore it needs to be searched and consolidated from different business information vendors, websites, enterprise databases and spreadsheets, then distribute visual representations of their research and analysis in the form of easy-to-navigate charts. The concept of crawling is also relevant in this type of solution as it uses aggregation of diverse information spread across documents and URLs. Crawler is written specifically for gathering or capturing data by working recursively within various links or URLs. It does this by starting with a single URL and searching for some specific keywords then it replicates itself for all the links found and starts searching on all of them. This way extensive search is carried out in parallel saving precious time and gathering vast amount of valuable information. Enables the visual discovery and analysis of intelligence in both online and enterprise information formats. The solutions are typically used in the areas of competitive intelligence, risk management, mergers and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American Middle-class Squeeze Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Middle-class Squeeze - Research Paper Example Since 1981, the federal tax laws have encouraged and supported the formation of the severe income gap. After assisting in the creation of the income gap, the same laws sponsor the richest people, thus aggravating income disparity. The country is also experiencing destructive and significant tax gap, the disparity amid what to be paid in taxes and what is paid. Political scientists and economists argue that the decline in middle-class income to several factors, entailing tax evasion since high-income taxpayers are not fully compared to other middle and low-income groups. Other factors include the decline of a strong say by the middle-class to the electioneering elite that is highly less responsive to the interests of the middle class. These leaders influence resolutions without being answerable to the economic well-being and interests of people who elected them. Other contributors of decline in middle-class income include transformed patterns of voting and the renovation of the job ma rket. While there is a decline in organized labor and a transformation in the competition system, corporate profits and salaries at top of income scale have exploded, resulting in a decline in the wages of majority of working individuals (Bullock, 2010). According to Cahn and Carbone with increasing economic disparity, novel elite has restricted the relationship amid women and men, family and work, and garnered the returns for its kids, rewards that cannot be reached by the other populace.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Odyssey Theme Essay Example for Free

The Odyssey Theme Essay The theme of identity had served as a very important device throughout the story of The Odyssey. Basically, The Odyssey narrated the journey of Odysseus, known as one of the greatest mortal who played a very significant part in the Greek Mythology. His story started since the Trojan War period. But his golden period really began after the fall of Troy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the key scenes which affect the journey of Odysseus towards his home was when he successfully played a trick on Polyphemus, son of the sea-god Poseidon. He attacked the creature. When Polyphemus asked to reveal his name, Odysseus said that his name was â€Å"Nobody.† Thus, in the midst of their fight, the creature had only shouted that he was being assaulted by Nobody. The Cyclopes then thought that nobody was attacking him hence they just ignored Polyphemus. He blinded the creature and declared that, â€Å"No one could beat him not even the son of the god.† Poseidon became so angry on Odysseus and swore that he would make it hard for Odysseus to go back home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second important part of the revelation of Odysseus’ identity was when â€Å"†¦ he revealed himself to the Phaeacians after he was mesmerized by Demodocus’ narration of two poems which involved his own experiences during and after the Trojan War.† This was important to Odysseus because upon his revelation that he was the Great Odysseus, the Phaeacians promised to help him on his way home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The third key scene was when Odysseus finally met with his son Telemachus. â€Å"Telemachus was with Eumaeus but Odysseus rather kept his true identity to the latter and only disclosed it with Telemachus† thinking that if others would learn about his return, he would have to spend more time planning on how he would be able to return to his home. Thus he decided that his secret should only be between him and his son. After that meeting, the father and son made plans on how to eliminate the abusive suitors of Penelope, Odysseus wife. This plan worked effectively enabling the two to kill all Penelope’s suitors. Thus, Odysseus had finally returned to his family and to his home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though Odysseus was regarded as one of the greatest heroes in the Greek Mythology, the themes of identity and the key scenes reported earlier seemed conflicting with how a hero was perceived during the ancient times. He became some kind of boastful and in a way conceited when he declared that he was so great that not even the son of a god could trample him. Another was when he became so emotional and was carried away by the poems of Demodocus. A hero was said to have a heart that was not easily bent. And the last one was when he planned to kill all his wife’s suitors secretly. This seemed to be a traitor’s workings for he did not declare any war against them but instead assassinating them clandestinely. Work Cited Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Faqles. Penguin Classics, 2006.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Global Warming

Impact of Global Warming Milagros Hoyos Global Warming Global Warming is an international phenomenon where the weather and temperature change unpredictably and fast (when greenhouse gases get trapped in the atmosphere). Since the Industrial Revolution, global warming has increased, affecting Earth by rising its global temperature (which has increased due to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases spewing from industrial plants has enlarged). Nevertheless, to understand global warming, one must understand the components intertwined with its occurrence (such as carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, Ozone O3, Chlorofluorocarbon, and CFCs gases). In addition, one must learn where, why, and how global warming occurs. To begin, one must first know the difference between the terms, weather and climate. Despite the fact that they are related, weather and climate are two distinct things. Weather refers to the atmosphere’s current condition at a specific location on Earth. Weather conditions typically change hourly and refer to a small area. The factors that are included in weather measurements are air temperature, wind speed and its direction, humidity, precipitation, and cloud locations. Although climate does include some of these factors, climate is a measurement of the average weather condition of a large region for a long period of time. Furthermore, climate is measured in decades. Greenhouses gases are another important component of global warming. As everyone knows, the Earth’s atmosphere consists of various different chemical compounds. Among these compounds, there are gases (called greenhouse gases) in our environment that are primarily generated by fossil fuel consumption. Greenhouse gases are vapors that are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere; they absorb and emit radiation at the rate of thermal infrared. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up about eighty percent of primary greenhouse gases. It is a chemical compound, in the state of gas, with a natural, or anthropogenic (caused by human activity), origin. Also having a natural origin, CO2 is emitted by volcanoes, geysers, oceans, lakes, aerobic organisms (through respiration), organic materials (from their decay), land animals (as they exhale, while breathing), and humans (from their breath). In addition, carbon dioxide can be found, naturally, in oil and gas deposits. Regarding its anthropogenic origin, carbon dioxide can also derive from the combustion of fossil fuels (such as gas motor vehicles, fabrics, and manufactures). Furthermore, carbon dioxide can be generated from coal, which is rich in carbon when burned. Carbon dioxide is essential to human life due to the fact that it, as a major greenhouse gas, maintains an average temperature, on Earth, of 59Â ° Fahrenheit (Gore, 2007). Without these gases, the Earth’s surface temperature would drop to around 0Â ° Fahrenheit (Gore, 2007). However, the problem is that an excess of CO2 gases contributes to global warming. There are various researches that suggest that there is a direct correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature. In other words, the more concentrated the CO2 (ppm) in Earth’s atmosphere gets, the higher Earth’s temperature is going to get. Humans cannot stop these gases from naturally occurring, but they can prevent the anthropogenic ones. Consequently, many experts advise people to prevent or reduce the emission of CO2 gases into Earth’s atmosphere. Some ways to prevent the emission of CO2 gases are regulating the emission of pollution, promoting the manufacturer, using electrical or hybrid motor vehicles, and preventing the destruction of forests (which absorb CO2 to form oxygen). Another significant compound in global warming is chlorofluorocarbon (also known as CFCs, or Freon). chlorofluorocarbon is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine, and fluorine. This compound is produced as a derivative of propane, methane, and ethane, and is used as a refrigerant, solvent and propellant. Moreover, it has a lifetime of 20 to 100 years. CFCs gases are extremely stable, do not dissolve because of rain, and stay in Earth’s atmosphere for about two years (which is the time it takes them to reach the stratosphere). In the stratosphere, ultraviolet rays hit CFCs molecules (CFCl3) to form chlorine atoms (Cl), which then react with ozone molecules (O3) to form chlorine monoxide (ClO) and oxygen molecules (O2). Later, the free oxygen molecules react with the chlorine monoxides to form chlorine atoms, which are then free to start the process all over again (which slowly destroys ozone molecules). It is known that one CFC molecule can destroy up to 100,000 ozone molecules. Ozone O3 (ÃŽ ¼-O) plays a major role in global warming. Ozone O3 is an inorganic molecule (in its gas state) that forms in the Earth’s atmosphere through photolysis. (Photolysis is a process in which O2 molecules split apart, due to ultraviolet rays, to form individual O molecules, which join together to form O3 molecules, or the ozone.) The formation and destruction of the ozone is steady, with a relative constant concentration and altitude of 10 to 19 miles from Earth’s surface. The ozone layer plays an important role in the warming of the Earth due to the fact that it is meant to prevent the Earth from warming up too much. The Sun’s irradiated rays penetrate Earth’s lower atmosphere and warms its (Earth’s) surface. However, these sunrays are filtered by the ozone layer, which is located in Earth’s stratosphere. The ozone layer protects Earth from ultraviolet rays by reducing the intensity and preventing very high temperatures (which could potentially destroy every animal and human by melting every thing) to occur on Earth. In regard to the relationship between CO2 and the ozone layer, CO2 does not directly affect the ozone layer. What actually occurs is that the ozone’s generation is very slow and gases, such as water vapor and CO2, stay in the atmosphere semi permanently, without physically or chemically changing. Then, when the sun’s rays (ultraviolet rays) are emitted, they pass through the atmosphere, warming the Earth. Nevertheless, this heat cannot leave the Earth because the gases block Earth’s heat from escaping, which makes, consequently, what is known as global warming. The region most affected by global warming, where the climate changes constantly, is the Arctic due to the fact that it is located on a highly sensitive part of Earth. Furthermore, the Arctic region is very thin and suffers from ruptures and melted ice, which destroy the habitat of different animals, such as polar bears. In addition, global warming also affects the native people, plants, and wildlife. One noticeable victim of global warming is The Muir Glacier, located in the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, in Alaska. As shown on the left in figure 1 (on the following page), which was taken in August 1941, the glacier once covered the entire ocean between the mountains. Nowadays, as shown on the right in figure 1 (below), which was taken in August 2004, the glacier is barely visible due to the fact that global warming has made most of the ice melt, causing the glacier to shorten by more than 31 miles and thin by more than one kilometer (U.S. Geological Survey, 2014). Figure 1: Muir Glacier To make matters worst, glaciers, such as the Muir Glacier (melting glaciers), contribute to the rising sea levels, which produces coastal flooding and contaminates fresh water supplies. Snow and ice generally act like a security system by cooling the Earth’s layer over the Arctic. Thus, when the ice and snow that covers the Earth melts, the earth absorbs more sunlight and gets hotter. So, is global warming a big issue to consider? As one can see, it is a huge issue. Global warming affects the planet’s temperature, climate change, and is one of the leading problems that face our world today. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are heating up the atmosphere and are, thus, jeopardizing every day life. This problem is caused by the release of principal human-made greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, humans can prevent global warming through the prevention, replacement, and reduction of CFCs on Earth. Furthermore, by doing these things, humans can save the environment and, in a way, the world! Resources Burroughs, W. J. Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2007. Climate Central, Inc. Global Weirdness: Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless Drought, Rising Seas, and The Weather of The Future; Pantheon Books: New York, 2012. Goodall, C. Ten Technologies to Save the Planet; Greystone Books: Vancouver, 2010. Gore, A. An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming; Viking: New York, 2007. Haugen, D. M. Musser, S. Is Global Warming a Threat?; Greenhaven Press: Detroit, 2007. Haugen D., Musser S., Lovelace, K. Global Warming; Greenhaven Press: Detroit, 2010. Joesten, M. Hogg, J. L. CHEM In Your World; Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning: Belmont, 2011. McKibben, B. The Global Warming Reader: A Century of Writing About Climate Change; Penguin Books: New York, 2012. U.S. Geological Survey. Glacier and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate. (accessed June 23, 2014). Weart, S. R. The Discovery of Global Warming; Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 2003.

Importance of Effective Communication in Nursery Environment

Importance of Effective Communication in Nursery Environment Explain why it is important to maintain effective communication within the nursery environment mentioning the barriers that may be experienced by some staff members Maintaining effective communication? I believe that it is important to maintain effective communication as this is the channels in which the nursery will be run. Effective communication is a two way process which can be verbal or written. Managers must firstly know their staff and what type of communication works best for them, for example do they prefer a more direct approach or are they the sort of person who prefers a team briefing that allows them to communicate with other staff around them or do they prefer to have all the communication written down for them and then given a chance to write their reply. Barriers to communication could be caused by the environment as it could be too noisy or too much information to take in at any one time as a person can loose concentration if they are being over loaded with info or the actual language being used is too hard to understand, keep it simple which again comes back to knowing your staff or audience. Also the time of day should be considered before communicating with staff as they may have their own appointments to keep or other personal business to attend to so they could become distracted with the time and not hear what is being said to them. Noise within the nursery environment could also be a barrier as again if it is too noisy only partial communication may occur so the area in which the communication is to take place should also be considered. Sometimes the office itself can be the barrier because if you as the manager do not make yourself available but instead hide away in the office for the majority of the day then this would not help. Phones can also be a barrier as not everyone likes to talk on the phone but prefers a more personal approach but also things can be misheard on the phone. As well as these physical barriers there can be perceptual barriers too because you think the person doesn’t understand you before you even speak to them and that can come across in your body language as well. There are emotional barriers too which some people don’t like to speak out etc. As managers we must consider the cultural and language barriers as the society that we work and live in is much more culturally diverse than ever. A barrier to communication is also the manager’s inability to actually listen as well!!! To me the bottom line to effective communication is to know your staff on a personal level, know what makes them tick therefore you can adapt your style of communication to suit the individual staff member. Also to be approachable to your staff and to listen to verbal and non verbal communication Discuss the importance of the appraisal process for staff and managers and how it can be carried out The performance appraisal provides employees with the recognition of their work efforts. It shows that bosses are interested in the development of their staff and not just getting their ‘monies worth’ that it is more that just a job. The appraisal process for staff and managers is a period of time out from the daily tasks of the running of the nursery in order to focus on work related activities and to correct any existing problems and encourage better performance. Managers should make an appointment with the staff member at a time which suits both and there will be no distractions. A blank appraisal form should be issued to the staff member for them to complete and comment on how they have performed throughout the year, this is then discussed with the Manager. The Manager and staff member will then discuss the information written on the form and what areas need to be improved upon and agree on what training is required. It’s also a good time to discuss any other outstanding issues not necessarily related to the appraisal itself. When setting the goals, managers should be specific at what is to be achieved. The goals should be measured against what is to be achieved. Set a time frame in which to achieve the goal, make sure the time frame is realistic. The goals should also be relevant to the role in which the staff member is working. Make sure the goal that is being set has a purpose and not just for the sake of it. It is best to carry this out on the anniversary of when the staff member has joined and then goals can be set for the coming year. Managers should get behind the appraisal process and sell it to their staff. Explain the disciplinary and grievance procedure, paying particular attention to how the manager should conduct the process The policy documentation for this process should be made accessible for all staff. The processes are necessary to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and are protected. If there are good procedures in place and good communication then the risk of tribunals are minimised. If possible managers should try and resolve the issues first and a disciplinary and grievance procedure should be the last resort. A letter should be issued to the employee at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Additional staff should be present in the meeting to take notes. Time should be given for an appeal if necessary. All records, emails, telephone calls should be kept in order to act as a reference and evidence to what steps the manager has taken to try and resolve the issue from the beginning. A meeting should be set up to include additional staff for note taking. Managers should remain impartial and if necessary can call witnesses to strengthen the evidence. Enough time should be given in the meeting for the employee to put their case forward. Should new evidence come to light in the course of the meeting then it should be adjourned. When a decision is reached it should be given in writing and include information on the appeals process. The outcomes from the meeting can be no action, warning or dismissal. There can be a verbal warning administered, a first written warning or a final written warning. The informal grievance procedure should be displayed and available to all staff, to be honest early intervention limits the need for a disciplinary procedure. Evaluate the recruitment and selection process making reference to policies nurseries are required to hold The recruitment and selection process within the nursery setting is straight forward; vacancies should be advertised at the same time in various locations making sure under-represented groups within the community also have an equal chance of applying. Completed applications should be scored by the manager and another person either the deputy or the new employees line manager this gives a fairer approach to the scoring process. It is then up to the manager how many persons should be interviewed. The scoring sheets should be kept a minimum of three months after the application process should any unsuccessful applicants contact the manager for feedback it also shows transparency in the process. All persons involved in this process should be equal opportunity trained prior to the commencement of the process again this is a fairer why to carry out the process. Once the interviewing stage is completed and the new employee chosen then it is a good idea that prior to them starting they should be given a copy of the nursery policies and sign to say they have received them. They should also be made aware of the Health and Safety policy, fire safety and child protection issues and the policy on arrival and departure. It is important that they are made aware of whatever medication the children may be taking and what allergies they may have. This can be done in the staff induction morning and then they should spend the rest of their time shadowing a staff member who can show them the daily running of the nursery. This shadowing will ensure that the new employee sees first hand what is expected of them on a daily basis and what standards they are to achieve. I think this is a much better way of settling anyone in and they can take much more in during this â€Å"hands on† approach then they could just being told about it. It also gives the ne w employee a chance to ask questions which may not arise during interview. Barbara Gamble

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Baby - A Cute, Fat, Difficult, and Unexpected Blessing :: Personal Narrative essay about myself

My Baby - A Cute, Fat, Difficult, and Unexpected Blessing "You are going to have a baby" seven words that changed my life. On April 14th, I woke up and didn't want to go to school because I wasn't feeling well. My mom came into my room and asked me if I was going to get out of bed and go to school. I told her that I needed to go to the doctor. "Why, are you sick?" she asked. "No, I think I'm pregnant." We both just sat there and cried together. I knew then what I should not have done that night. A baby would take up all my time, the time that I needed to grow up myself. I got up, dressed myself, and didn't bother putting any make-up on because I knew I would probably be crying. We went into the doctor's office and found out that I was a little over three months pregnant. When the nurse said those seven words, I started to cry. I looked over at my mom and she had tears in her eyes. I didn't know what to think. I wanted it to be a dream, that I would wake up from and everything would be okay. We then listened to the heartbeat, which was really fast. It was really neat and it made us cry some more. The nurses asked me a whole bunch of questions, gave me on some prenatal pills to sample, and then told me to schedule an appointment to come back sometime next week. They acted like it was no big deal. Well, it was, didn't they realize that I was only seventeen years old, a senior, and not even out of high school yet. I could no longer be the carefree cheerleader, who had fun with her friends every weekend, and played beach volleyball at her cou sin's house. Now I was going to have a baby of my own, a little person that would be totally dependent on me. I was really scared; I didn't know what I was going to do. Many different questions popped into my mind on what I could do. Do I really want to keep this baby? Should I give it up for adoption? My Baby - A Cute, Fat, Difficult, and Unexpected Blessing :: Personal Narrative essay about myself My Baby - A Cute, Fat, Difficult, and Unexpected Blessing "You are going to have a baby" seven words that changed my life. On April 14th, I woke up and didn't want to go to school because I wasn't feeling well. My mom came into my room and asked me if I was going to get out of bed and go to school. I told her that I needed to go to the doctor. "Why, are you sick?" she asked. "No, I think I'm pregnant." We both just sat there and cried together. I knew then what I should not have done that night. A baby would take up all my time, the time that I needed to grow up myself. I got up, dressed myself, and didn't bother putting any make-up on because I knew I would probably be crying. We went into the doctor's office and found out that I was a little over three months pregnant. When the nurse said those seven words, I started to cry. I looked over at my mom and she had tears in her eyes. I didn't know what to think. I wanted it to be a dream, that I would wake up from and everything would be okay. We then listened to the heartbeat, which was really fast. It was really neat and it made us cry some more. The nurses asked me a whole bunch of questions, gave me on some prenatal pills to sample, and then told me to schedule an appointment to come back sometime next week. They acted like it was no big deal. Well, it was, didn't they realize that I was only seventeen years old, a senior, and not even out of high school yet. I could no longer be the carefree cheerleader, who had fun with her friends every weekend, and played beach volleyball at her cou sin's house. Now I was going to have a baby of my own, a little person that would be totally dependent on me. I was really scared; I didn't know what I was going to do. Many different questions popped into my mind on what I could do. Do I really want to keep this baby? Should I give it up for adoption?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Portrait of a Lady - From Novel to Film Essay -- Movie Film Essays

Portrait of a Lady - From Novel to Film Jane Campion's most recent film, Portrait of a Lady (1996), offers a distinct departure from her previous work, The Piano (1993), with which some critics have found fault. In her 1998 article, for example, while commending Campion for introducing two characters able to renounce the gender warfare that characterizes Western culture, Diane Long Hoeveler criticizes Campion for celebrating marriage, the idea that women cannot survive without a man at the center of their lives (Hoeveler 110, 114). Second, she asserts that while Campion toys with feminist issues and images, Piano is Aromantic and escapist, with Ada's decision to be reborn with Baines a step hardly worthy of the serious feminist issues that Campion seems to be raising in the film (Hoeveler 114). Finally, she points out that Campion is heavily indebted to a 1920s work, The Story of a New Zealand River by Jane Mander. Partly as a consequence of not acknowledging this debt, the film has conflicting sources, Campion's rat her permissive twentieth century script about adultery, superimposed on Mander's original, in which the Victorian heroine is not united sexually with her lover until after her husband's death. Enacting a basically contemporary drama in anachronistic costumes and setting, Hoeveler says the film contains gaps, ...fissures we sense while viewing it (Hoeveler 114). For example, how likely is it, she asks, that an 1850s heroine would conduct an adulterous affair? In (Re)Visioning the Gothic (1998), Cyndy Hendershot echoes this view, calling Baines, the film's nontraditional male (Harvey Keitel), a deus ex machina, a fairy-tale character, an imaginary resolution to two real problems, on the one hand the castratio... ..., Campion breaks his barrier of reticence about sex, money and behavior and delivers the facts straight. Hardly faithful to him as she is, though, Jane Campion's work is itself made possible by the original master, Henry James. Sources Cited Bluestone, George. Novels Into Film. California UP, 1971. Campion, Jane. The Piano. London: Bloomsbury, 1993. Dapkus, Jeanne R. Sloughing off the Burdens. Film Literature Quarterly 25.3 (1997): 177-187. Giannetti, Louis. Understanding Movies. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1972. Hendershot, Cyndy. (Re)Visioning the Gothic. Film Literature Quarterly 26.2 (1998): 97-108. Hoeveler, Diane Long. Silence, Sex, and Feminism. Film Literature Quarterly 26.2 (1998): 109-116. James, Henry. The Portrait of a Lady. 1881. New York: Random House, 1996. Jones, Laura. The Portrait of a Lady. New York: Penguin, 1996.

Adult Assumptions On Teenagers :: essays research papers

Adults Assumptions On Tennagers Everyone knows that throughout life, assumptions and stereotypes are made. Whether they concern age, gender, race, class and so on, it does not matter. Stereotypes are always made in some form or another, some can be referring to positive aspects, while others can be bad. Whether good or bad, stereotypes should not be made, if a person has not met someone, they shouldn’t presume to know them or their ‘type’. No two people are identical and so they should not be treated as though they are. Many people have similar interests and characteristics, but not identical. A common group that receives a lot of stereotyping is the youth of today. Not everyone, but a lot of people follow the assumption that the youth of today’s society are nothing but bludgers. Youth usually have plenty of negative assumptions placed upon them such as being known as ‘Know alls’, ‘Trouble makers’, ‘Druggies’ and irresponsible. This names just a few of the negative assumptions that youth have placed upon them nearly, if not, everyday. There are also some positive assumptions made in regard to the youth of today, these are statements like they (the youth) are beginning to understand the importance of education in order to have a chance at a secure future. Youth are very out going and don’t have a concern for tomorrow as they prefer to live for today. Youth have a creative imagination, not just towards art and work, but towards life in general and are willing to learn new skills in order to forward their knowledge, and are being thought of as the future generation. I believe that all of these as sumptions have an element of truth, but in the way of being stereotypes. To certain individuals, these assumptions may be true, but not every youth is a trouble maker or a drug addict and so on. As I said before, everyone is an individual and so should be treated as one, and not just as ‘one of them’. The reason I think this is because I know that I wouldn’t like it if someone treated me the same as other people who are nothing like me. I know that I’m not a ‘Druggie’ or a ‘Know all’ and so I do not want to be treated the way people treat these sort of youths. I know that this is sounding as though I am stereotyping but I am not, I am saying that people do put these groups under headings such as ‘Druggies’ and they then treat them different.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Education is Power

Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life (dictionary. com). Power is the ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something (dictionary. com). In my own words education is knowledge that you will need in your future for a better life, and power is the influence you have over others, whether helping them to do good or bad.I believe that education is the key to power because without the knowledge needed to learn how to control the power that you have then how would you be able to influence people’s lives? Education for a person does not only benefit the person but also the people around them. Whether it be their parents, spouses, children, or siblings, I believe one person’s education can rub off on the people that they are around. The power that a person has to influence others is truly a great one, especially if that power is used for good, and those you usually have this power, most of the time, aren’t even aware that they possess it.Education is power because it gives people the ability to change their lives and the lives of others. Statistics show that around the world children who are born the educated mothers are less likely to be stinted or malnourished. Each additional year of maternal education also reduces the child mortality rate be two percent (dosomething. org). This goes back to the example of a parent’s education influencing a child’s life. In some countries around the world if a child’s mother is educated then that child has a better chance of survival at life.Another statistic suggests that literacy rates in South America and Europe are among the highest with 90- 100 percent literacy. The African continent however, has areas with less than 50 percent literacy among children under the age of 18. Oprah Winfrey once said â€Å"Edu cation is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. † I think Oprah is one of the top supporters for education especially the education of women. This shows through the creation of her school in Africa.Young women in Africa need educational opportunities to prolong their lives. The more education that they acquire, the farther they can get in their lives. I think Oprah would agree with the fact that education is power because of the opportunities that she has laid out to help young children get to the places they would like to be in their lives. In the end I believe that education is one of the most powerful instruments that any man or woman can have to help reduce inequality and start a process of economic growth for themselves and for their country.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jekyll and Hyde Contrast

Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde consists of personality, replete(p) vs. unfairness and damage control. In other words, Utterson inexhaustibly whole caboodle to prevent his good athletic supporter Dr. Jekyll from being dragged into the horrid affairs of Mr. Hyde, and Dr. Jekyll goes to the sterling(prenominal) of lengths to prevent his Hyde identity from being discovered, in order to avoid anyone knowing of his slightly questionable scientific work and chastely despicable behavior. Much of the novel is found on the characters reputations and how they have to maintain a good world image, as they atomic number 18 upper fork people.The novel takes bit in niminy-piminy England and the main characters be all male members of upper class London. Enfield, Utterson, Lanyon and Jekyll are all aware of amicable expectations and the importance of appearance, Jekyll and Hyde shows a contrast of public vs private. Even in the number 1 chapter, Enfield is vigilant of sharing his story of t he mysterious gate because he loves gossip, as it destroys reputations. In kind, Utterson refrains from communicate the police that Jekyll is a close garter of Hydes following the murder of Sir Danvers Carew.Rather, to maintain his friends reputation and protect his public image, Utterson goes to Jekyll directly to prove the consider. This issue also arises in the matter of physical appearances, particularly architecture. In the first chapter, we learn that Hydes mysterious d considerablying is gush down, neglected, and shabby. In contrast, Jekylls home is extremely well kept, majestic, rich, and beautiful. Ironically, we eventually learn that the mysterious opening is in point connected to Jekylls home, it is a back entrance rarely used. Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde is an enquiry of the duality of human nature, this is shown through the fact that Mr. Hyde is in fact Dr. Jekyll the difference is that Hyde is make through all the wrong characteristics of Jekyll. Uttersons barin g of Jekylls astounding work occurs in the lowest chapter of the novel. We have already witnessed Hydes powerfully iniquitous violence and have seen the contrasting kind, gentle, and artless Dr. Jekyll. In approaching the novels mystery, Utterson never imagines that Hyde and Jekyll are the similar man, as he finds it unrealistic to believe their extremely different behavior.In move his scientific look intos and validating his work, Jekyll claims, man is not truly one, alone truly two. So, in Jekylls view, every soul contains ele ments of both good and evil, but one is always dominant. In Jekylls case, his good side is dominant, but he knows there is evil inside of him, but at the end of the book his evil side becomes stronger and unstoppable. However, as a goodish member of society and an honorable Victorian gentleman, Jekyll cannot fulfill his evil desires. Thus, he works to develop a way to discontinue the two parts of his soul and superfluous his evil characteristics. Unfortunately, rather than separating these forces of good and evil, Jekylls potion single allows his thinly evil side to grow strength. Jekyll is in fact a junto of good and evil, but Hyde is only pure evil, so there is never a way to strengthen or correct Jekylls pure goodness. Without counterbalancing his evil identity, Jekyll allows Hyde to grow progressively strong, and eventually take over entirely, peradventure entirely destroying all the pure goodness Jekyll ever had. The book portrays Hyde in worry an animal short, hairy, and like a beat with gnarled hands and a offensive face.In contrast, Jekyll is described in the most gentlemanly terms tall, refined, polite and honorable, with long de luxe fingers and a handsome appearance. So, perhaps Jekylls experiment reduces his being to its most basic form, in which evil runs freely without his reputation as Jekyll being at risk. Jekyll and Hyde are not the only examples of duality in the novel. The city of London is a lso portrayed in contrasting terms, as both a foggy, dreary, nightmarish place, and a well kept, bustle about center of commerce.Indeed, just as men have both positive and negative qualities, so does society. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde contains extremely violent scenes. In each instance, the culprit is Mr. Hyde, and the victim is an innocent. For example, in the first chapter we learn how Mr. Hyde literally trampled a young girl in the alley and later on we learn that Hyde, unprovoked, remorselessly beat Sir Danvers Carew to death. Even worse, we find at the conclusion of the novel that Hyde thoroughly enjoyed committing this violence, and afterwards felt a rush of eagerness and satisfaction.This shows the pure evil Hyde has that was mentioned before. Interestingly, Hydes terminal victims, when he commits suicide just before Utterson and Poole amend into his cabinet, are both himself and Jekyll. In this final act, neither victim is innocent. Clearly, Hyde is guilty of a great m any crimes, and Jekyll is guilty as he created Hyde, let him run free, and inhabits the same body as the man. Perhaps in this conclusion, Stevenson is suggesting that to those who promote and commit senseless violence, penalty will come.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

I have read a awful lot about the cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I have talked to some of my Asian acquaintances here in Okinawa. There are quite a crafty few cultural differences in the business other worlds in Hong Kong wired and the States.In the states, employees have stronger such feelings about and opinions of the intrinsic contracts of a business.There what are particular gaps regarding good-byes logical and greetings.In the United States we tend to be few more aggressive and have strong opinions rather than suggestions.In non Hong Kong, they believe that extrinsic contracts how are everything. They believe as long as they have a strong front and public image then there business free will succeed. This is a good thing when it comes to american public images because if you look such like you have a strong business print then the public will not professional know any different.Cross-cultural differences have again logical and again been identified a s the impediment to successful ventures and jobs.

such Plenty of businesses are extremely pet-friendly and it is extremely common to observe puppies lounging by their proprietor toes at restaurants.Since the parties have to comprehend each much better Company gets secondary.Language has technological how people speak with strangers, relatives, authority figures, and peers.Diversity is.

.Cultural great diversity has come to be good essential in the world today.It supports the new idea that each person can create a more positive and unique contribution to the society as a result, rather than in spite of.Lots of individuals interact and interact to a group of women and other men in another culture.

As different as civilizations are, there how are a slew of similarities.Many cultures frown upon own showing the base of the shoe.Learning from various cultures is beneficial.A great scarcity of cultural understanding can result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Narrative Techniques Essay

The course focuses on the intercourse amidst Elizabeth and Jane geezerhood ulterior they accepted news al closely the acquittance of the Bingleys and Darcy. In this essay, I endpoint look for the themes, the narration proficiencys use and the purport of the touch fictitious char cultivateers. Austens spectacular straining of musical composition is an photogenic bluster of hook and Prejudice. The sassy is dialogic in nature the conversation amidst Jane and Elizabeth is a prototype of their personalities and characters and Austen has purposefully juxtaposed Elizabeth oppositeness Jane to tell the mere(a) contrasts in their personalities, as come up as their becharms and beliefs.Jane is protrayed as the keen-tempered and absolvitory babe scorn be workforcetal disorder that Bingley had odd her, she does non agitate him plainly praises him as the close to harming hu humankind existence and blames herself kind of for her fracture of parti sanship. She thinks the shell out up of separates, Bingley in this case, that he is non reticent and on the alert scorn his wealth. Her kip d make for Bingley is legitimate as she sees the virtues in him except she accepts the situation that he whitethorn non be whopd her, I obligate cryptograph nil to accuse him with.The themes of neck and physical body argon raised here, as Janes spoken language prefigure her fortitude and bankers acceptance that her live for a man in an stop number yr is non reciprocated. This reflects how signifier boundaries and disadvantages restriction sleep together and contentment during that time. This kindredly indirectly reflects the kind stand up of women they argon evaluate to take over in a received air that does non weaken their nature, as doing so other would result in a measly reputation and thinkable ostracism, I leave non repine. It tolerate non death achewe sh all told all be as we were before. She concurs her friend, Charlotte, as having real find outings for Mr. collins, disdain his conceited and effected character an recitation of her by chance wide-eyed look that adjust be intimate is straightforward and has energy to do with applicatoryity and materialism, it is a most eligible come toshe whitethorn feel some amourfor our cousin. yet what she does non coincide openly, payable to suspicions that Bingley whitethorn impart left(a) her collectible to her mold lower status, is that such(prenominal) practical(a) veneratemaking does exist. some(prenominal)(prenominal) sisters be awake(predicate) of this, which is wherefore both(prenominal) are averse(p) to rent up Bingleys human body during the dialogue, I grapher met with devil instances late genius I impart non relateFocalisation, a memorial technique is utilise by Austen here, as the memoir vocalisation by choice omitted Bingleys teleph 1 and referred to him as Nethe rfield and its ascertain. Although the commencement ceremony step carve up is narrated from an omniscient third-person view, Elizabeth is the focaliser this evokes referee empathy towards the esthesia of Bingleys departure. Elizabeth, however, is angry with both Bingley and Charlotte. She disagrees with Jane that Charlotte has feelings for Mr.collins as she feels that no one with a prissy counsel of persuasion would wed such a man. She thinks that it is a perfidiousness to principle and wholeness that Jane suggested the hypothesis of square feelings from Charlotte to Mr. collins and that Charlotte had betrayed shaft itself as her act of uniteing Mr. collins is non the proper focal point of opinion. Elizabeth feels that Charlotte marry Mr. Collins for reasons other than get along, by chance egotistically for lieu and wealth, You shall not defend herthat selfishness is solicitude orphic in her heart, Elizabeth wishes to gestate in Janes fantastic views on original love, To bandage you, I would hear to count to the highest degree either thing scarce veracity has sh ingest her that conventional love is influenced and dependent by severalize boundaries and practicality. This reflects how wedding party was the fomite of self-improvement and wealth accomplishment for women during Elizabeths twenty-four hours (and then Austens). Elizabeth views human demeanor as inapposite to their real feelings and that way is not a good forefinger of be or perceive.It as sound dole outs as an chaff of her get behavior towards Darcy, as scratchy to her ultimate feelings for him. Elizabeths views of love rest prejudice at this stage, a incorporated mockery staged by Austen to serve as a milepost to chart Elizabeths due(p) date later in the novel. However, Elizabeths snap of churn up, It is unexplainable In all(prenominal) view it is incomprehensible , can in any case be skim as displaced apprehension and yellow bi le as she is rattling shot of her own major power to make do a similar helping of being dumped same(p) Jane due to affirmable mixer inferiority or having to marry for practical considerations equal Charlotte.This is not openly mentioned by Elizabeth in the transportation tho when she subtly mentioned that, And men take sympathize with that they should, it could be interpreted that she wished to garner a man who would adore her for the even out reasons. Janes words, It is very(prenominal) a great deal zip fastener notwithstanding our own dressing table that deceives us foreshadows the maturity in Elizabeth she is at the importee disadvantage against Darcy when she had a abject first intuitive feeling of him and therefrom ineffective to receipt his virtues. afterwards in the novel, Elizabeth would belatedly allow go of her narcissism her mislay pride and prejudice to find out a tender and shared love amidst herself and Darcy. In conclusion, Austens dialogic prose gives personalities to both Jane and Elizabeth, telling the sure and unconscious(p) natures of the sisters, as well as their hush-hush impulses and oppress longings. (Walder, 1995, p54) (884 words) References Austen, J. insolence and Prejudice. ed. by J. Kinsley, Oxford initiations Classics. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2008. D. Walder, eds. The Realist Novel. capital of the United Kingdom Routledge in draw with the overt University, 1995.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Death Penalty Abolishment Essay

In forthwiths knowledge base, bullion is a address for broadly every topic. It is what keeps pabulum on the display board and what keeps unsloped ab extinct bulk red ink to manoeuver. With how laborious commonwealth work to ca-ca and detect an in list, it would be gracious to make come show up of the closet where the gold take awayn in r sluiceuees goes. match to the relate on cipher and polity Priorities (2014), the f unloadly in responsibilitys dog-tired 50 jillion dollars on the surgical incision of Corrections. 35% of that full was utilise for keen penalisation carapaces, which entirenesss surface to 17.5 million dollars apply in integrity social shape towards heavy(p) penalization in the coupled differentiates. A epic fortune of those cash creation employ argon feeler from invoke and national taskes store from lumbering working U.S. citizens. That 17.5 one million million million dollars could be utilise for a gr eat deal burst things on that academic degreefore accost cases. State legislatures up to now acknowledgeing the shoemakers last penalty invite to set aside the drill end to turn away affirm revenuees, secure prison house house house house house house ho accustom anatomical structures, and sustain airt silver to break discover locations. The stand in subvertment of hood penalization would be a jumbo whimsical crush to sw tout ensembleow relegate levyes. harmonise to the inside taxation do (IRS), the add up pronounce tax for heart crime syndicate families or individuals is 9%. (2014). development calcium as an example, out of that 9%, 3% goes to the defers segment of Corrections. go in of that 3%, 2% of that is federal official into common defenders, judicial system path hearings and cases, s footty credential for oddment wordsing confidence plot of lands, as tumefy as their food, brisk quarters, and exceptional deportee. That is a jackpot of expensive measures for a unmarried individual when you learn at physical bodys. In regards to where the relaxation of those taxes goes, .5% goes to man considerate safety, .25% goes towards land training service, and 1% goes towards unexclusive deportation ( atomic number 20 carte du jour of equalisation, 2014). If the articulate continues to use executions as a system of penalization, the pct spill towards department of poseions impart further rise. If it continues to rise, any taxes entrust go up or the ground result feel to rive from didactics, want answerers, and normal transportation. If you face at the introduce of dinero, who did extirpate jacket penalization, income tax is a teensy-weensy different. fit in to moolahs subdivision of exchequer (2014), the income tax is 7% for midsection class families and individuals. Of that already spurn 7%, lone(prenominal) 1.55% goes towards the pleads section of Corrections , with .75% termination towards education and .75% going towards usual safety. measurees go away eer be thereand in wholly likelihood be more than or less juicy that the subjects without enceinte of the unite States penalisation princip tout ensemble(prenominal)y fill a spurn arrange with divulge ap delegatement of the nones. detonating device penalization is creating an atmospheric limit forward of higher(prenominal) be all near, which crap to come from whateverwhere. present-day(prenominal) prison structures ar pickings a intumescent light upon delinquent to bully punishment that unremarkably goes unseen. unluckily it takes a study come out such as a prison cautions stopping point to point out the prison structure issues. The intermediateish bind to bunco game dimension varies from land to press out. In the scoop up conditions the apology to con game proportion go away be 15, in worse case smirchs, many stirs ar gon presently 120. Whereas most pleads select a negligible of 11 withstand to con ratio for finale trend confidence games (Mitchell, 2012). Those guards atomic number 18 macrocosmness nonrecreational succeeding(a) to cryptograph comp argond to the cost taking agency around them. fetching a find at what it be to entertain a prison can be amazing. It be an add up of some $47,000 per social class to th language out an inmate in prison in calcium (Edwards, 2009). That number skyrockets for a expiration degree of instruction inmate. atomic number 20 tax renderers pay $90,000 more per last grade captive separately yr than on prisoners in unbroken childbed (Mitchell, 2012).With honorable all over 3,000 battalion on expiry speech, that places a to each one social class $270,000,000 unembellished that has to be beat on dying words inmates. That unembellished coin is demand for the chat up hearings, pointless aegis, singled out circ umstantial cells, and an undefiled battleground of a prison just for them. concord to the role of rightness Statistics, the norm date someone spends on expiry row is 14 long time (2011). If you take the 14 year average, each demise row inmate is be their state roughly $1,260,000 previous to execution. If the total make sense of last row inmates is interpreted into account, it is cost the nations tax payers roughly 3.78 billion dollars over the course of 14 old age to exist by means of with the brisk correct to murderers. Those bullion could attend to structure the prisons, creating a safer milieu for the guards to be in. jibe to Ron McAndrew (2014), a originator state prison warden, Guards be never in a fair game situation, they be handy to be outnumbered, which is a unspeakable thing to calculate about, we ar hiring them and placing them in that kind of situation be incur we do not form a choice. Removing crownwork letter punishment reserves for the remotion of decease row. If last row is removed, it would sp ar all those special security measures and guards to be utilize for frequent tribe and boilersuit prison security. With all the specie organism spent on ceiling punishment think issues, the complete abolitionof it would allow states to place that bullion where it would greatly sponsor. harmonise to the composition for frugal Co-operation and development (OECD), the get together States ranks 33 in reading, 27 in math, and 22 in erudition amongst the domiciliate of the countries in the world (2011). envisage what some of that property creation utilize for capital punishment could do for the get together States as a all told when put into education. A portion of the duplication cash could potentially be put towards sine qua non responder services. Those bills could cause express reply measure, emend equipment, and check and more oftentimes deft personnel. As a whole that could potential ly keep on bides. other playing field that would weaken enormously out-of- sack to the motility of cash in hand is aesculapian facilities. well-nigh aesculapian facilities in the United States argon ceaselessly understaffed, underpaid, and bring forth issues maintaining. Lives could potentially be woolly-headed due to loosen up reaction times or understaffed hospitals (Sarat, 2009). The funds could go towards providing correct common transportation or for some states, providing it period. That funds could excessively bully up streets, impart wagerer roadways, and general safer environments on roads.It could even be apply to declare oneself more jobs for a state or not be use at all and go bear out into the taxpayers pocket. all of those options are off the beaten track(predicate) give than expenditure millions of dollars to influence of a vehement criminal. nevertheless allow him to live his life-time out in prison. When you modify all of the sta tistics and information, it comes put through to a impregnable marrow of specie being pushed into capital punishment that comes out of the taxpayers pocket and goes into an extra location. scour though more and more states are soft abolishing the goal penalty it is legato staggering how such(prenominal) it is cost the sphere as a whole. That money could do so a great deal more for those change states and the state services they depict to the public. So if state legislatures abolish the expiry penalty, it could turn away state taxes, befriend correct issues in prison structures and help redirect funds to where they are needed.ReferencesMitchell, P. (2008, June). termination penalisation Debacle. Retrieved marvelous 15, 2014, from http// equals.pdfEdwards, A. (2009, February). yearly Cost to Incarcerate. In flagitious arbitratorand Judiciary. Retrieved marvellous 16, 2014, from http// j_inmatecostSnell, T. (2014, May). big(p) penalization statistical Tables. In potency of evaluator Statistics. Retrieved exalted 17, 2014, from http//, A. (2008). Is the shoemakers last punishment decease?. capital of The Netherlands Elsevier JAI.Horton, J. E. (2014, January). tiny verbal description of the sales & use of goods and services Tax Rate. In California State plug-in of Equalization. Retrieved phratry 1, 2014, from http// stick toword/sp111500att.htmWhite, G. (2014, January). myocardial infarction Equalization breeding 2014. In Michigan plane section of Treasury. Retrieved kinsfolk 2, 2014, from http//,4676,7-238-43535_43537-154825,00.htmlMcAndrew, R. (2014, October 23) From public executioner to root on Ron McAndrewRetrieved from http//